Psoriasis – advice for your skin

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What is psoriasis?

The name of this chronic disorder comes from the Greek word psora, meaning scurf, itch or rash.

Psoriasis is an extensive disorder that does not only manifest on the skin. It is a so called systemic disorder. That means that there might be connections between psoriasis and joint issues, intestinal issues, eye disorders and cardiovascular diseases.  

It manifests on the skin as an excess production of skin cells, forming scaling, red patches. It can emerge anywhere on the body and the variation in outbreaks - where they are located and their íntensity - is highly individual.

This is one of the most common widespread diseases in Sweden, where approximately 300,000 people live with psoriasis. 

Psoriasis is hard to diagnose as there is no specific method to do so. The most common course of action when psoriasis is suspected, is for the dermatologist to observe and follow up the patient for a longer period of time. If you suspect that you have psoriasis, you should consult a physician.


There is no treatment to cure psoriasis, since the cause of the condition is unknown. Heredity and infections are suspected causes. Psoriasis can only be relieved, not cured.  

Skincare from MARIA ÅKERBERG is well suited to strenghten the skin and keep it supple, soft and moisturised in order to prevent sores from forming during flare-ups.

Products from MARIA ÅKERBERG only contain natural raw materials that work together with the skin, rather than oppose it. The natural ingredients are easily absorbed by the skin and affect the tissue underneath. MARIA ÅKERBERG strives to strengthen the skin in a long-term and natural manner, instead of just easing the problems temporarily.

For the face

Använd hudvård efter din hudtyp. Ta för vana att använda en peeling 1-2 gånger i veckan, exempelvis AHA & Jojoba Peeling och följ upp med Face Mask Moist för att ge näring. Håll sedan huden mjuk och återfuktad med en ansiktsolja anpassad efter hudtyp samt passande creme. Vår ögoncreme, Eye Cream, lämpar sig väl på hela området kring ögat, även på ögonlock där psoriasis kan uppstå.

For the body

Skrubba kroppen 1-2 gånger i veckan, speciellt på utsatta områden. Salt Scrub Energy kan vara ett bra alternativ då saltet verkar desinficerande samtidigt som de olika oljorna återfuktar. Efter rengöring av kroppen, smörj med en kroppsolja som till exempel Royal Body Oil och ge fukt med Body Lotion. På så vis håller sig huden elastisk och mer motståndskraftig vid skov.

Moist psoriasis

I perioder kan utsatta områden kännas fuktiga och uppluckrade. Då ska endast Aloe Vera Barbadensis användas. Undvik oljor och cremer då dessa kan luckra upp huden mer och förvärra tillståndet.

For the scalp

Använd Scalp Scrub Intensive 1-2 gånger i veckan före hårtvätt med våra milda Hair & Body Shampoo. Scalp Scrub Intensive innehåller AHA-syra av sockerbetor som tar bort döda hudceller i hårbotten och löser upp beläggningar. Vid skov ska du se till att hålla huden extra mjuk genom att göra en inpackning över natten. Använd då Body Balm White Chocolate i hårbotten och tvätta ur dagen efter. Tillsätt sedan Scalp Treatment Rosemary i handdukstorrt hår och låt sitta i till nästa hårtvätt.


You will get more specific advice, regarding which products you should use, during the skincare consultation that you can book with one of our retailers. The retailers are trained in skin conditions and in our concept, Deepskin Organics, and can thereby determine which of our products suit you and your skin the best.

When not to use products from MARIA ÅKERBERG

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

It is very important that you follow your skin therapist’s recommendations in order to achieve the best results possible. If you have any questions, please contact your reseller.

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